Symbolic Directions for the U.S. in the coming year

U.S. Symbolic Directions

Roland Matthews

5 / 15 / 2024


          The Symbolic Directions are an intriguing predictive technique originally published by Charles Carter and later brought to my attention through Anthony Louis.  I thought it might be interesting to examine how they might play out when applied to making forecasts for the United States since the next couple of years are going to be very intense. People are very concerned about World War, Civil War, and Global Cataclysm.  However, since making predictions is extremely complicated, and ethically loaded, I’ve decided to just point out some potentially important dates.  If we can go back in hindsight to examine these dates at some point in the future, it may prove that this technique is useful.  If you are interested in seeing the longer, more detailed version of this, please email me.  

May 19 - 21, 2024

On these dates, the U.S. is 247 years old.  It is still in an 8th house profection year ruled by the Moon. Magic numbers for the U.S. are 32 and 57.  The Point of Life is at 9 degrees Pisces in the 4th house. The Point of Age along the Zodiac is at 7 degrees Sagittarius.  The 4/7 Point of Age is at 21 degrees Leo in the 9th house. 

On the 19th the transiting Moon conjuncts natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra in the 11th house. 

These aspects may indicate a massive upheaval in financial markets or even a large earthquake in the natural realm.  Keep your eye on your portfolio and make sure you have emergency food and water within reach. 

June 5 - 6, 2024

          The transiting Moon will be conjunct with natal Uranus at 8 degrees Gemini in the 7th house.  By 7 pm it will be exactly conjunct with natal Uranus.  In addition to the 5 planet transiting stellium in Gemini, transiting Mars at 27 degrees Aries in the 5th house is exactly square to natal Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn in the 2nd house.  The following day on June 6th, there is a New Moon at 16 degrees Gemini opposing the natal Ascendant, and later, the transiting Moon will be exactly conjunct natal Mars at 21 degrees Gemini in the 7th house.

These aspects could potentially indicate a surprise cyber-attack affecting banking, trade, communications, transportation, and even natural resources. It may be advisable to reset one’s computer passwords beforehand.  There could also be heated discussions around changes in environmental laws and student loans.  On a natural level, we may see devastatingly large hurricanes and destructive flooding at this time.  If you live on the coast, or in the lowlands, now is a good time to move to higher ground and batten down the hatches because water levels can change suddenly.

July 19, 2024

          By this date, the U.S. is now 248 years old and in a 9th house profection year ruled by the Sun.  The Point of Life is at 13 degrees Pisces in the 4th house. The Age along the Zodiac is at 8 degrees Sagittarius in the 1st house exactly opposing natal Uranus and transiting Mars at 8 degrees Gemini in the 7th house.  The 4/7 Point of Age is at 22 degrees Leo in the 9th house. 

          The transiting Sun at 27 degrees Cancer in the 8th house is in opposition to natal Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn in the 2nd house.

          These aspects could possibly reveal corruption within the financial markets involving trade of natural resources. It could also be rebellion within labor unions, or surprise illness among livestock.

August 1, 2024

The transiting Sun is at 9 degrees Leo in the 9th house.  Transiting Mars is conjunct natal Uranus at 8 degrees Gemini in the 7th house.

These aspects could indicate a surprise attack on domestic soil from foreign adversaries or unexpected battles abroad.  There could also be eruptions of violence involving religious organizations or places of higher education.  There may even be some surprising legal events involving the President of the U.S.  On the natural level, the solar maximum can blast us with surprising flares and coronal mass ejections leading to extreme heat and increased potential for tornadoes along with electrical malfunctions.  During this time, one may want to avoid public transportation, especially to foreign lands.  We can all practice a little more tolerance and compassion for one another in spite of our religious or political differences.  Having a backup generator and shelter from the wind wouldn’t be a bad idea.

August 21, 2024

          The transiting Sun at 29 degrees Leo is conjunct transiting Mercury retrograde at 24 degrees Leo in the 9th house.  Transiting Mars is conjunct natal Mars at 21 degrees Gemini in the 7th house.

          These aspects may be indicative of Presidential confusion over foreign attacks affecting Congress about financial and job markets.  Perhaps there will be a hostile public outcry over the ineffective response of the President.  Again, travel abroad is not advised, and violence at college campuses or religious centers may be an issue.  Things will be heating up with public confusion over issues at home and abroad, so stay focused on being tolerant of others, and being generous with those in need.

September 13, 2024

          Transiting Sun at 21 degrees Virgo is conjunct natal Neptune in the 10th house, square to natal Mars at 21 degrees Gemini in the 7th house.  Transiting Mars at 5 degrees Cancer is conjunct natal Jupiter in the 8th house. 

September 27, 2024

          Transiting Mars is conjunct with natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer in the 8th house.  Transiting Jupiter is conjunct with natal Mars at 21 degrees Gemini in 7th house.

          These aspects could indicate another attack on the nation’s Capitol building.

October 6, 2024

          Transiting Sun at 13 degrees Libra is conjunct natal Saturn in the 11th house, square to the natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer in the 8th house.

          These aspects highlight the barriers and restrictions involved in Congress.

October 27, 2024

          Transiting Sun is at 4 degrees Scorpio in the 12th house. Transiting Mars is at 27 degrees Cancer, conjunct the natal Part of Fortune and in opposition to natal Pluto as well as transiting Pluto at 27 and 29 degrees Capricorn retrograde. 

          These aspects may point towards an explosive situation at a foreign hospital or institution involving secret enemies from within having a major effect on domestic finances.  The best thing we can do in a crisis is to remember not to dehumanize those we consider to be our adversaries.  Helping those in need is a service to all.

November 30, 2024

          Transiting Sun is conjunct the Age along the Zodiac point at 8 degrees Sagittarius and in exact opposition to natal Uranus at 8 degrees Gemini in the 7th house. 

December 12, 2024

          Transiting Sun at 21 degrees Sagittarius is in exact opposition to natal Mars at 21 degrees Gemini in the 7th house and is also square to natal Neptune at 22 degrees Virgo in the 10th house. 

          These aspects may indicate disputes or even battles at sea.

January 3, 2025

          Transiting Sun at 13 degrees Capricorn in the 2nd house in opposition to natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer in 8th house.  

These aspects reveal the structures behind our national dependence on oil and gas.

January 16, 2025

          Transiting Sun at 26 degrees Capricorn is conjunct with natal and transiting Pluto in the 2nd house and in exact opposition to transiting Mars conjunct the natal Part of Fortune at 26 degrees Cancer in the 8th house. 

March 11, 2025

          Transiting Sun at 21 degrees Pisces in the 4th house is conjunct transiting Saturn while being square to natal Mars at 21 degrees Gemini in the 7th house, and in opposition to natal Neptune at 22 degrees Virgo in the 10th house.

April 2, 2025

          Transiting Sun at 13 degrees Aries in the 5th house is square to natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer in the 8th house, and in opposition to natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra in the 11th house forming a T-square.

April 17, 2025

          Transiting Sun at 27 degrees Aries forms a T-square between transiting Mars at 29 degrees Cancer in opposition to natal Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn.

May 29, 2025

          Transiting Sun at 8 degrees Gemini is conjunct natal Uranus in opposition to point of Age along the zodiac at 8 degrees Sagittarius. 

June 12, 2025

          Transiting Sun at 21 degrees Gemini is conjunct with natal Mars in the 7th house.  Transiting Mars at 27 degrees Leo is in opposition to natal Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius in the 3rd house. 

July 2, 2025

          Transiting Mars at 8 degrees Virgo in the 10th house is square natal Uranus at 8 degrees Gemini in the 7th house.  Two days later, we shift to a 10th house profection year of Virgo, ruled by Mercury.



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