
Natal Astrology

$150 for 90 minute consultation

The birth chart is the image representing the exact position of the planets at the moment of your birth in relation to your position on the Earth. The horoscope produced is the best way to learn about your personality, income, education, home, entertainment, occupation, relationships, and much more!

Electional Astrology

$100 for consultation

Picking the best and most effective moment to perform and experience your significant activities according to the most beneficial position of the planets will improve the results. Anyone can row a boat across a lake, but knowing how to sail will get you there faster!

Medical Astrology

$150 for 60 minute consultation

Your natal astrology chart can indicate individual physical strengths and weakness. Medical astrology can be utilized to forecast times of potential illness as well as point the way toward effective personal remedies. Alchemically produced spagyric tinctures can be used as a safe alternative.


$50 for 30 minute consultation

Sometimes big questions require greater insights to answer. Whether you prefer Runes, I-Ching, Geomancy, Horary astrology, or Tarot, we can help.

Dream Interpretation

$100 for 60 minute consultation

Have you had an intense, disturbing, or reoccurring dream? We can use Jungian based techniques to revisit, explore, and find symbolic meaning to your dreams.


$100 for 60 minute consultation

A projection of your natal chart onto a map will show the best places to live and travel depending upon your needs.


Turn your chart into art! Need an amulet or talisman? Prices vary depending on size, medium, time, and includes shipping fees.

And God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years;

Genesis 1:14