Astrology and Magic

Astrology and Magic: Estranged Companions

            Roland Matthews


            I first encountered Astrology when I was around 5 years old and a relative gave me a small Star-scroll horoscope from a vending machine with information about my Sun sign.  I have no difficulty remembering that event, however, it is far more challenging to pinpoint when I first acquired a concept of Magic because there are so many different cultural influences, from books to films, songs, and television programs.  Was it a Disney film seen on television, a fairy tale read by a parent, the anticipation of a holiday miracle, or even some long-forgotten dream that first inspired a child to believe in magic?  Who can say?  The images of a wizard bedecked in star covered robes or a witch in pointed hat stirring a mysterious potion in a large cauldron are so ubiquitous in our society that we rarely take the time to consider their origins.  Neither do we think about why these two subjects, both of which are thought by the scientific community to be anachronisms from a less sophisticated time, are kept separate by those who are open to the study of one or the other.

            As I was learning the techniques of Astrology, I began to attend various Astrological conferences and met many brilliant Astrologers.  I was so thrilled to congregate with a group of people who shared an interest in one of my personal passions.  But when I attempted to probe into other subjects such as Magic, I was disappointed by the odd looks and unapproving comments I received about a topic I felt was related.  I was confused that people who practiced an obscure esoteric art would look down upon or have no interest in something that in my mind was so akin.  There were very few who shared a similar appreciation for both topics, and those who did spoke in hushed tones or in private rooms about their secret passion.  Oddly, when I was in certain circles of practitioners of Magic, they either did not know Astrology or did not think that it was useful for their purposes.  I then asked myself, why do practitioners of Astrology and Magic eschew one another? 

            I believe that this separation is the result of a series of historical events.  Essentially, fields such as Astrology, Alchemy, and Magic became taboo during the Medieval period in Europe due to the Catholic Inquisition.  Practitioners of those arts either had to go into hiding or proclaim their faith to the church and explain the compatibility of their methods with their religion.  Failing either of these could result in the most extreme punishments or even execution.  Then, after the Renaissance came the Age of Enlightenment.  Science and Reason was the rational reaction to the barbaric and superstitious horrors produced by the Inquisition and their religious dogma.  Many brilliant researchers at that time were also astrologers, but eventually, unable to discover a causation for how Astrology worked or an explanation for why it was effective, it also fell to the wayside and became known as a pseudo-science.  Magic on the other hand, maintained an unapologetic spiritual view based on things that could not be quantified or measured with science, but had to go even further into obscurity to survive.     

Many of the most celebrated astrologers of the past were also magicians, while many foundational texts on Magic imply heavily that a knowledge of Astrology is paramount for successful results.  Granted, the term ‘occultist’ or ‘magician’ covers many forms of techniques; even mathematics was considered to be a form of magic at one time.  However, in our modern age of technology and information, both Astrology and Magic are enjoying a Renaissance of their own, in spite of the irony that Science has become a dogma of its own.  Perhaps it is because of the often-quoted third “law” of Arthur C. Clarke: ‘any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’.  Astrology attempts to be as scientific as possible, but as mentioned previously, it is insufficient in explaining causation at least by current scientific methods.  The reason for this is because the scientific method works by a system of analysis which breaks things down to individual particulars.  Astrology, on the other hand, is a holistic system which attempts to correlate as many as variables as possible.  Astrology is similar to Cosmology and Astrophysics but with the added variables of meaning and connectivity.  But what about Magic?  Where does it fit in?  In short, Magic is the ability to affect one’s environment through willpower.  In order for this to take place, magicians rely upon the concept that all things are connected to each other.  Likewise, astrologers must also rely upon the idea that stars and planets are somehow connected to living organisms here on Earth.  Therefore, the belief that all things are connected is what Magic and Astrology have in common.  They can be divided by arguments of determinism versus free-will, but that is another topic for a different discussion.  Thanks to fields of study such as Psychology and Quantum Physics, Magic and Astrology have found common ground.  Bell’s theorem of electrons existing in multiple locations simultaneously, the Observer Effect showing that merely observing an experiment can influence the outcome, and the Electric / Plasma Universe theory are revealing that the ancient impression of an Ether connecting all things held by astrologers and magicians is correct. 

Now that I have shown that both Astrology and Magic have a common ground, how should we build the bridge between them?  We have to show that they are not mutually exclusive, and that they need each other.  A magician can train their mind to recognize symbols and cause a change in their environment, but their chances of success are greatly increased if they utilize the resonant energies of Astrology which are affecting the circumstances of the environment to begin with.  An astrologer can improve their art if they utilize Magic to improve their intuition, and increase the symbol set recognition that the universe uses to communicate with each of us on a collective as well as an individual level.  A good astrologer is familiar with the resonant energies that is being presented by their client, but a great astrologer not only knows how to interpret but also how to interact with them to enable their client towards actualization.  Alchemy, utilizes both Astrology and Magic and is another topic entirely, but I mention it because it is a connecting principle. 

In conclusion, Astrology and Magic were once a source of wisdom, but if they can be reunited, perhaps we can advance our understanding and truly know how we are all connected.  It is my goal and intention to disseminate this information and link these areas together in order to promote peace, health, harmony, and usher in the Renaissance of a New Age.                


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