How does Astrology / Magic work?
How Does Astrology / Magic Work?
Roland Matthews (2019)
Many people attest to the effectiveness of Astrology and some would even say the same for the effectiveness of Magic. But how do they work?
In the field of quantum physics the concept of “nonlocality” suggests that something as small and inconceivable as a single electron has the ability to influence another particle instantaneously over any distance despite there being no exchange of force or energy between them. This is what Albert Einstein called “spooky action at a distance”. It was the one hurdle that prevented his theory of relativity from becoming the true unified field theory that he and others sought because it could not be explained. Heisenberg’s “uncertainty principle” implies that no particle ever stays completely at rest, but is in constant motion due to a ground state field of energy constantly interacting with all subatomic matter. Even in the lowest possible energy state, with all matter removed and at a temperature of absolute zero (-273 K), there are detectable energy fluctuations. This is the basis for the idea of the Zero-point Energy Field. Physicists usually attempt to discard this in their calculations in a process known as “renormalization”. Lynne McTaggart tells us “A field is a matrix or medium which connects two or more points in space, usually via a force, like gravity or electromagnetism. The force is usually represented by ripples in the field, or waves.” Hal Puthoff has suggested that if the universe consists of an imprinted energy matrix and if we were all connected through this Field, it may be possible to tap into it and extract information. This would provide a scientific validation for areas that have usually been considered to be the domain of religion, mysticism, and alternative medicine. If humans have souls and they are somehow connected to divinity, and this being is omnipresent, then this force is the same.
What are some of the theories that can now be used to confirm these ancient suspicions? Fritz-Albert Popp (1938 – 2018) was a Biophysicist and Radiology expert in Germany who was studying the effects of UV light on carcinogens. He found that certain molecules would absorb the light, and re-emit it at a different frequency (380 nm), which is the same as the body’s photo-repair response. He surmised that cancer must be caused by the body’s own light being blocked and scrambled so that the repair no longer functioned. He knew that through quantum coherence, where subatomic particles are interlinked by common bands of electromagnetic waves, that many of the effects seen in a single wave apply to the whole and that something done to one of them will affect the others. This is similar to the concept of holographic fractals. Popp speculated that photons absorbed from food were distributed to all the electromagnetic frequencies of the body and then become the driving force for all its molecules. He used a sensitive spectrometer to prove that all organisms, including humans, emit their own current of light he called “biophotons”. He found that DNA is one of the most essential stores of biophotons and must behave like the “master tuning fork in the body” coordinating all the complex functions and intercellular communications that miraculously occur simultaneously including growth, repair, and differentiation.
Jacques Benveniste (1935 – 2004), the director of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), discovered “the memory of water” saying that the Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) – where two molecules that match each other structurally exchange specific chemical information when they bump into each other, could validate practices such as homeopathy. He thought that if each molecule had its own signature frequency, its matching receptor molecule could tune into and resonate to that frequency regardless of distance, thus creating a “cascade of electromagnetic impulses travelling at the speed of light”. If Benveniste is correct, water can not only record and transmit information, but also amplify it. The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto (1943 – 2014) suggests similar findings and if the human body is at least 60% water, this could have major implications for the health industry.
Karl Pilbram (1919 – 2015), thinking that the brain must operate in a similar manner to that of a laser hologram, has suggested that the brain somehow transforms images into wave interference patterns and transforms them again into virtual images. Since quantum waves have the unique ability to store infinite amounts of information in a totality and in three dimensions, he has conjectured that memory could be distributed everywhere with each part containing the whole, instead of being located in a specific location of the physical brain. He also found evidence that our senses operate by analyzing frequencies and that wave-interference patterns may not be created in any particular cell but between them in the synaptic glia. These theories seem to agree with the ancient Buddhist concepts of Maya and even the Greek idea of Theurgy.
Walter Schempp and Stuart Hameroff theorized that microtubules within neurons might be acting as “light pipes” or “wave guides” for photons, sending them throughout the body without any loss of energy. These microtubules help to control discordant energy and create a total coherence called ‘super-radiance’ which pulses the signals through the rest of the body. Because these electrons can remain in a quantum state, a condition of all possible states, this enables the brain to choose among them, which could be an explanation for Free Will. Popp had proposed that consciousness was a global phenomenon that occurred everywhere and not just in the brain, and this confirmed that consciousness was coherent light. Schempp’s discovery that short and long-term memory does not reside in the brain, but in the Zero Point Field, shows how intuition and creativity can sometimes come to us in bursts of insight. What we call “genius” or a “prodigy” may be someone with a greater ability to access the Zero Point Field.
How can we measure the Observer Effect and what does it have to do with telepathy and telekinesis? Researchers at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) center found that deep in the most basic level of the quantum world, there may be no distinction between the two intangible worlds, mental and physical; there is only one world – the Field and the ability of matter to organize itself coherently. Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne found during their telepathy experiments that archetypal or mythical images triggering the unconscious produced the strongest psychokinetic effects. Negentropy is described as a reduction of entropy or an increase in order. This flies directly in the face of the second “law” of thermodynamics. William Braud wanted to understand how the observer could influence the outcome of an experiment and he noticed several characteristics that guaranteed success: 1. a relaxation method (meditation, biofeedback, etc.) 2. reduced sensory input or physical activity 3. dreams or other internal states and 4. reliance on right-brain functioning. He found that the observer with the greater degree of coherence influences the probabilistic process of the less organized recipient, meaning that a living system of greater coherence could exchange information and either create or restore coherence to a disordered, random, or chaotic system. Negentropy appears to be the stronger force, and by the very act of observation and intention, we have the ability to wield a super-radiance to the world. Magicians, Sorcerers, and Witches have always professed an ability to influence and affect their environment by the exertion of their will. Now we know how.
Hall Puthoff and Cleve Backster discovered that by placing polygraph equipment on plants that they would register stress just as a human would when the plant was burned, but also when a neighboring plant was burned, demonstrating empathy. Later they began testing the idea of ‘remote viewing’ or mentally collecting data of a location without physically being present, with the intuitive efforts of Ingo Swann, Russell Targ, and Pat Price. These amazing tests were funded, sanctioned, and performed under the auspices of none other than the CIA and U.S. Army in order to spy on communist / enemy nations for over 23 years. This was obviously the inspiration for the book and film The Men Who Stare at Goats. The Maimonides dream lab found out that viewers were also able to see into the past or future with 379 trials and an 83.5% success rate. Dean Radin discovered that subjects were able to anticipate disturbing images by measuring their physiological responses prior to seeing the specific photos. Helmut Schmidt said that present or future intentions act on initial probabilities and determine what events actually come into being, meaning that any form of focused attention seems to freeze the system into final being. This confirms the Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory, which suggests that waves can travel backward in time from the future to arrive at its source.
Michael Faraday (1791 – 1867) who introduced the concept of a field in relation electro-magnetism, believed that the most important aspect of energy was the space around its source. These ideas are supported tangentially by the Plasma cosmology of Hannes Alfven and Oskar Klein who postulate that the dynamics of ionized gasses and plasmas play important, if not dominant roles in the physics of the universe as opposed to the current model of the influence by gravity. Similarly, the Electric Universe theory of David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill suggest that “all objects in space, from subatomic particles to galactic clusters, are connected by manifestations of the electric force acting in real time.”
Now that we have the above examples to build upon, we can have a clearer understanding of the definitions of Astrology and Magic. Astrology can be defined as the study of how celestial bodies and their motions influence life on Earth (which is also a celestial body). In short, it is the study of how celestial bodies influence one another, which is not exactly the same as celestial mechanics. Magic has had several definitions over the years. The infamous Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947) said “Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will.” According to Donald Michael Kraig (1951 – 2014), this definition was altered by Dion Fortune (1890 – 1946), another member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, to include “a change in consciousness”. Kraig himself adds “…using means not currently understood by traditional Western science.” Henry Cornelius Agrippa (1486 - 1535) states “Magic produceth its wonderful effects, by uniting the virtues of things through the application of them one to the other, and to their inferior suitable subjects, joining and knitting them together thoroughly by the powers and virtues of the superior bodies."
As I stated in my article Astrology and Magic: Estranged Companions, the one item that both of these subjects have in common is the concept that all things are connected. So to answer the question at the top of this article, both Astrology and Magic work because there is an electro-magnetic morphogenic field of holographic causation which pervades all space, including our physical bodies, which is manipulated on various fractal levels by our consciousnesses through the matter we call our brains and interpreted through the medium we call our souls.
Agrippa, H. C. (1993). Tyson, D. ed. Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Bk. I, Chap. 2, p. 5. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications.
Kraig, D. M. (1993). Modern Magick: Eleven lessons in the high magickal arts. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications.
McTaggart, L. (2007). The field: The quest for the secret force of the universe (epub ed.). New York, NY: Harper Collins.