Autumnal Equinox 2024 Forecast
Autumnal Equinox 2024 Forecast
Roland Matthews 9/21/2024
9/22 – Sun moves into Libra, the beginning of Autumn and the sign of its fall.
9/23 – Venus moves into Scorpio, the sign of its debility.
9/25 – Transiting Jupiter at 21 degrees Gemini is conjunct the U.S. natal Mars, while transiting Moon is conjunct natal Sun, and transiting Mercury is in opposition to transiting Neptune. These aspects will exacerbate the confusion and violence between global and political tensions both at home and abroad.
9/26 – Mercury moves into Libra.
9/27 – Transiting Mars is conjunct the natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer indicating potential danger for the President.
10/2 – NM / Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra conjunct transiting Mercury (at 11 Libra) and natal Saturn (at 14 Libra) while square to transiting Mars (at 15 Cancer) which is making a grand trine to transiting Venus (at 11 Scorpio) and transiting Saturn (at 14 Pisces Retrograde) which is quincunx to natal Saturn. These aspects may indicate long-term difficulties within Congress and major changes in the stock market.
10/4 – Transiting Mercury is conjunct natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra indicating discussions of law, regulations, or limitations.
10/7 – Transiting Sun is conjunct natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra indicating a possible restriction of Presidential power or judicial limitations.
10/10 – Jupiter goes Retrograde at 21 degrees Gemini sitting on the conjunction with natal Mars for almost 4 months.
10/14 – Mercury moves into Scorpio
10/17 – Full Moon in Aries makes grand square with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. This involves the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses of the natal Sibley chart indicating difficulty with the stock market and national finances.
10/18 – Venus moves into Sagittarius.
10/20 – Transiting Mars is conjunct natal Mercury Retrograde at 24 degrees Cancer while transiting Moon is conjunct natal Uranus at 8 degrees Gemini indicating potential arguments among the people.
10/28 – Transiting Venus is conjunct the natal Ascendant at 12 degrees Sagittarius.
11/1 – New Moon in Scorpio makes a grand trine with Neptune in Pisces and Mars in Cancer possibly indicating flooding.
11/3 – Mercury moves into Sagittarius.
11/4 – Mars moves into Leo just 1 day before Election Day.
11/12 – Venus moves into Capricorn while transiting Mercury is conjunct with the natal Ascendant at 12 degrees Sagittarius.
11/15 – Exalted Full Moon in Taurus is conjunct with transiting Uranus while Venus is square to the Nodes and Saturn goes Direct.
11/17 – Mercury at 18 degrees Sagittarius is in opposition to Moon conjunct Jupiter Retrograde at 18 degrees Gemini and transiting Sun at 25 Scorpio is in opposition to transiting Uranus at 25 Taurus.
11/20 – Pluto moves back into Aquarius.
11/27 – Mercury goes Retrograde at 22 degrees Sagittarius.
11/30 – New Moon in Sagittarius is trine to Mars in Leo and Sextile to Pluto while squaring Saturn and in opposition to Jupiter.
12/4 – Transiting Sun is conjunct natal Ascendant at 12 Sagittarius while transiting Moon and Venus are conjunct natal Pluto Retrograde at 27 degrees Capricorn.
12/7 – Venus moves into Aquarius and is conjunct with Pluto while Mars goes Retrograde in Leo.
12/8 – Neptune goes Direct while transiting Mars Retrograde is conjunct with natal North Node.
12/15 – Full Moon in Gemini is at the Bendings or square to the Nodes.
12/17 – Mercury goes Direct at 6 degrees Sagittarius.
12/21 – Sun moves into Capricorn for the Winter Solstice.
1/3/2025 – Venus moves into Pisces.
1/6/2025 – Mars retrogrades back into Cancer.
1/8/2025 – Mercury moves into Capricorn.
1/31/2025 – Uranus goes Direct.
2/5/2025 – Jupiter goes Direct.
2/25/2025 – Mars goes Direct and there are no planets Retrograde.
3/30/2025 – Neptune moves into Aries.
4/18/2025 – Mars moves back into Leo.
5/25/2025 – Saturn moves into its Fall of Aries.
6/10/2025 – Jupiter moves into its Exaltation of Cancer.
7/7/2025 – Uranus moves into Gemini.